Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 13...Weakness

This will be short today...not that I didn't get to be with the Lord, but I don't have much time to write. Mostly God was speaking to me about know...that big concept in which He uses us most. There are many times when I get up in front of our congregation and sing or play, and feel like I have simply just wasted God's time. I genuinely want to bring something valuable to him in my service, but I feel worthless.

But the punchline is this...every time I feel that way he brings someone along to affirm that my service was not useless, and that in my weakness He is strong.

I also saw the new Narnia movie. Man C.S. Lewis had a gift! He was able write such strong correlation to the story of us and God/Jesus with his stories. One part hit me good...essentially Aslan (Jesus) asks this girl why she didn't come after Him when she first saw Him. She responds, "I was alone." His response..."Why would that stop you from coming to find me." Yes! Why do we ever stop pursuing Jesus? Why do we let our circumstance dictate our pursuit?

Father I love you. Jesus I love you. Holy Spirit I love you. Thank you for the affirmation today. It was a wonderful gift. I patiently await the day when I can see you face to face. I can't wait to surrender myself to your embrace. Thank you that you are waiting for me. Amen.


RC said...

Jonathan, I hope your 21 day project goes well. Thanks for sharing it.

I love your line: "Why do we let our circumstance dictate our pursuit?"

Now isn't that a great question?

I have included your post in a list of Prince Caspian responses on my own blog. It's so interesting to see what other people see and how they respond.

Pat R said...

too bad they cut out some of that part where Aslan confronts Lucy about trusting her convictions, but i guess they had to make it appealing to the masses... great observations on your review tho!